
Qualifying Event Documentation

When a significant even happens in your life, you may be able to make changes to your employer-sponsored health insurance to add or drop coverage for you or dependents. When this happens, the insurance company requires certain documentation to confirm that your life event qualifies.

Here is a list of the documents required to confirm the most common cases of qualifying life events. Keep in mind that all documents need to be signed and dated.

  • When you get married
    Marriage certificate
  • When you get divorced
    Filed court papers
  • When you gain US citizenship
    Certificate of citizenship or Naturalization certificate
  • When you have a baby
    Birth certificate or letter from medical center showing proof of birth
  • When you adopt a child
    Adoption papers
  • When you or a dependent lose (or gain) other employer-sponsored coverage
    Termination letter from previous employer and/or health insurance company showing status (gain/term) of coverage. (e.g. offer letter for gaining coverage documentation, COBRA letter for term documentation)
  • When you or a dependent turns 26
    Termination letter from previous health plan and legal identification (Driver’s License or Passport) for the person losing coverage
  • When you permanently move out of state and are out of network for your current plans
    Proof of residency from new and former address (utility bill, paycheck stubs with addresses), apartment lease from new and former address, and a termination letter from your old plan

If your company is partnered with Lumity, you can submit your qualifying event documentation easily by uploading your document from your employee dashboard.

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