
What Working for Lumity Means to this Mom

In my typical role, I talk a lot about the employee experience in general terms. But today, I’m writing a (very) personal story as a mom, not as Lumity’s benefits communication strategist. I'm sharing my experience because I want to show appreciation for the caring and support my son and I received from my co-workers and the executive staff at Lumity. I don’t know how to thank you all enough. As an employee, I’m also a Lumity customer. This means I have access to our support team to navigate health insurance issues.

I’m writing from Rochester, MN because my son and I are at the Mayo Clinic. A week ago Wednesday, he had gender-affirming surgery. Getting to this point has been a long, heart-wrenching road for my son. And I’m so proud of him. Lumity Support helped us navigate the lengthy medical precertification process with our health insurance carrier. It was especially critical to have the process go well, as my son is close to aging off my health plan. We were up against a deadline. Back in August, I was stressed and anxious about it all coming together. And that’s when I got this calming message from my boss, Aaron Huang, and our CEO, Tariq Hilaly. I won’t relay the entire message, but this is how it closed:

“Tariq and I will make sure this goes as smoothly as possible for you and your family. Just keep me in the loop so we can make sure we are there for you.”

It was exactly what I needed to hear. And the entire team has supported me throughout this journey. For two weeks, I’ve been working remotely so I can be beside my son during this milestone. My team and co-workers have picked up the slack in my absence. Because, in all honesty, I’m not working at 100% right now. There have been intermittent internet issues at the motel, and I’ve been unavailable during Mayo Clinic appointments, helping with post-surgical care, and during daily walks to help promote his healing.

But Lumity enabled me to be 100% present as a mom. I thank you. My son, Skyler, thanks you. He wept when he woke up from surgery. He was so happy. And I was there for it.

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